Course about Herbs & Colours incl. sweat lodge

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Course about Herbs & Colours incl. essence, cream, and spray.

You may attend this course if you know about your power-animal/s.

I will be there all the time and guide you into your own personal power with the knowledge of my many different spirit helpers and the experience I carry with me from many previous lives.

On this course we will work according to the traditions of the First Nations along with angel-power, but most of all, we will work with the devas in plants and trees, and souls of animals.

We will light a candle, cleanse ourselves and the room, as well as our power objects with smudge, cleanse each other with the rattle, call in the Four Directions, Father Sky and Mother Earth, make a short presentation in the circle with only three words about ourselves and a list of our power animals, and, if possible,  other spiritual helpers.

Then we dance our power animals.
Then we proceed to find the following:

The medicine plants of our power animals, the colour/frequency/sound that corresponds to our power animals/plants, the plant which heals the sickness/imbalance we are susceptible to, the plant and the song which can heal your client on the course.

Then we will do a special kind of healing during a drumming journey, subsequently talking about what use we can make of it.

We will:
– Learn about sound = colours = chakras.
– Sing the plants and their sounds in a circle. (you do not have to be able to sing)
– Draw the aura of plants/trees/animals. (you do not have to be able to draw)
– Communicate with a plant in order to co-create an essence.
– Make our own cream and scented spray.

Remember to bring casual clothing, bed linen, duvet, and pillow/sleeping bag, mattresses, bandana, or scarf to cover your eyes during spiritual journeys, and blankets, a small glass with a lid, which can be closed completeley, but lid and container must not be made of metal, a second hand spray bottle to create our special scented spray. If you have a rattle, a drum, crystals, or other power-object that you feel like bringing, with the sole purpose of aiding yourself, or others, feel free to do so. If you do not have any of these, bring a matchbox with rubber band as rattle.

There will be colours, papier, drawing tools at your disposition along with a 30ml bottle with the mother-essence that we have co-created. This mother-essence you can use, or sell, there should be some 225 30ml bottles out of it.

The course must be paid latest by 1 week before start.

During the course, alcohol, or drugs are not allowed. Those, who need medicine, are of course free to use it, and smokers may smoke during breaks outside using ash trays.