Apprenticeship and Courses

This post is also available in: Danish

TRISKELL2A student wrote: The teachings we went through during the week-end, the way I see it, is a transformative teaching, because, to me, and also to other student a cleancing of the innermost core of the human being took place. It is health, as I see it, the way we with all our spirit together with our spirit helpers found the power to lift difficult tasks in our lives, and we succeeded in a genuine, utterly loving way. I am so happy to be a part of this.”

All courses take three days: Friday 6pm-9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, and Sunday 9am-5pm and take place at our place at Hovedgaden 55, 8654 Bryrup surrounded by forest and lakes.

You can stay at home, but it is highly recommended to stay in our place in beds, or, if you wish, your can bring your own tent and stay in our large plot in the middle of the Lakes Highlands (as it is called here in Denmark) – The Heart Chakra of Denmark.
It is also possible to find accomodation nearby, click the following links:
Bryrup Camping,
Velling-Koller vandrehjem

Courses can also be arranged upon request in other parts of Denmark, or elsewhere, if you can gather at least 8 participants.

Not one course is the same.. when once you have attended one course, an identical course will only cost you half price, you may also attend the basic course at half price when you have had 8 lessons as an apprentice.

Deposit is not refundable.
You are registered when the deposit of €150 has been paid to me, and when you have mailed your full name, adresse, mail, telephone and name of course to me.

Clairvoyance/Nature Healing – Find your own way!
Next Course: See Calendar
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For all previous participants, and students, who have attended the Basic Course. We will learn several other ways to do healing and readings, thanks to the teacher’s knowledge of numerous techniques, like soul retrieval, or voice dialog, or….
Next course: See Calendar
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We will learn the power of healing herbs and colours in a very shamanic way without harming the plant. Next course: See Calendar
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ADVANCED COURSE: A completely unique and different course:
Next course: See Calendar
For all previous participants, and students, who have attended the Basic Course. We will work with time, visibility and the solar-plexus power (cosco-energy) in relation to ourselves and all beings in the universe.
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One Year Apprenticeship
Be my apprentice one hour every fourthnight, or, once a month, which will make it a two year apprenticeship. After competing your apprenticeship, you will graduate as a clairvoyant with a certificate.
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This course requires no preconditions. We will work with the ancient teachings of the druids, the five elements, the Christ- and Mary Magdalene-energy. Next course: See Calendar
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The Grail-Course is deeply transforming for the heart energy!

The Mary Magdalene Light Exercise at €12 can ONLY be bought by contacting me personally, since it works with the kundalini-energy.

Next retreat: see Calendar. Read about the grail courses click here and contact me as soon as possible on telephone, or mail. When we are 8 participant we will set a date together. Beware: Miracles often happens to the grail pilgrims, one of the pilgrims in 2017 wrote: “…by the way, everbody who have seen me after the journey have said that they can see I feel better, that I have more life in my face, more flexibility in my body 🙂 And, yes, the good energy in my body is still there now with much less pain, and I have become soohhh much happier. I am very grateful for your help and support to me during the journey, and what a journey, it is still overwhelmingly fantastic to think of :-)-)-*, This is the best that has happened to me in more than 20 years (except for the day I gave birth to my daughter ;-))”. Being a Druid (I’m a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids see here) and with a special relationship to Jesus and Mary Magdalene I have eventually arranged quite a lot of trips to Glastonbury and to Montserrat, too, but now these two pilgrimages will be allocated to The Heart Chakra of Denmark and Bornholm, since the Higher Powers have tolde me, that the energy at Glastonbury has become depraved, and that there are way too many tourists at Montserrat to give us the peace and contemplation we need, besides, the energies here i Denmark at the two places are stunning. We will be doing a very life-transforming work with those workshops and pilgrimages.

If you want to join, then read more about the grail course and contact me as soon as possible by mail.

My Danish account No. is Jyske Bank: 7240 0001608202
IBAN: DK6872400001608202
If you live in Denmark you can pay by MobilePay. My MobilePay number is 24410021.

If you cannot pay to my Danish account, just give me your email and pay by Paypal for an extra amount of €7. I will then send you an email, and then you just click “pay” and pay by credit card.

The brightest of blessings:
Sosha Lillielys Gornitzka
Hovedgaden 55, 8654 Bryrup
mobile +25 24 41 00 21